Par Stephen Minch
Milton Kort est un peu une légende parmi les magiciens. Rarement vu lors des conventions et des conférences, ce personnage plutôt discret recevait fréquemment la visite des plus grands (P. Rossini, S. James, Dr. Daley, J.B. Bobo, Cardini, C. Miller, D. Vernon, etc.) qui échangeaient avec lui leurs secrets. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il les mystifiait souvent avec des tours diaboliquement astucieux de sa propre invention. Cartes, pièces, dés à jouer, balles, lames de rasoirs, mouchoirs, stylos, etc. Ce livre présente 46 des tours de close-up les plus stupéfiants et divertissants qu’il ait présenté à ses confrères magiciens. Ils sont pour la plupart à la portée du magicien de niveau intermédiaire.
Livre en anglais, 376 pages.
Descriptif original anglais :
Milton Kort is a legend of sorts: a magician who has seldom traveled outside the Detroit area, who rarely performs at magicians’ conventions or lectures, yet a man whom the professionals and greats in magic came to see; men like Paul Rosini, Stewart James, Dr. Daley, J. B. Bobo, Charlie Miller, Cardini, Dai Vernon and many more sought out Milt Kort and shared secrets with him.
But why ? It was his great love of magic that drew magic’s greats to him. Well, there was one other reason. Milt often fooled them with devilishly clever tricks of his own invention. These tricks are in great part what Kort is about. They all fall within the realm of close-up magic, Milt’s main love, and they use such mundane items as playing cards, coins, dice, balls, razor blades, eggs, handkerchiefs, pens and toy elephants. What happens with those items, though, is anything but mundane.
Using skills and techniques mainly in the range of the average close-up enthusiast, Milt Kort offers 46 of his most baffling and entertaining tricks and routines to his fellow magicians, all based on one simple rule, Kort’s First Principle : Have Fun !
Pages 376 – Hardcover, copiously illustrated by Sandy Kort
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