Par Hugh Miller
Voici l’édition entièrement révisée, augmentée et mise à jour de ce magnifique ouvrage. Certaines routines, dont les instructions étaient difficiles à suivre (à l’image de « Headline Prediction »), ont été entièrement réécrites pour faciliter la compréhension du lecteur. Vous y découvrirez la routine extraordinaire de cartes exécutée les yeux bandés, l’une des plus remarquables d’Al Koran. Si vous ne connaissez pas encore Al Koran et son formidable esprit créatif, préparez-vous à faire un beau voyage…
Livre en anglais, 230 pages.
Descriptif original anglais :
This wonderful book is a completely new, revised, expanded and updated edition.
The book contains most of the original material but virtually everything has been re-written and benefits from the skill of an expert editor. There is a host of additional material written by Lewis Ganson and previously published in the Routined Manipulation series published by Harry Stanley.
In previous editions of Al Koran’s Legacy the instructions for Headline Prediction were hard to follow but Graham Jolley persevered in working out the correct method for the effect. And that is probably why, up to now, he is one of the few to perform this baffling routine. Graham usually closes his act with this effect as it is so powerful. He has written it up for us showing exactly how it should be performed and it is completely baffling.
Lewis Ganson’s Routined Manipulation series on Al Koran has also been included as a very special added bonus and this includes Al’s Koran’s Miracle Blindfold Card Act. It is one of the finest routines in this book. If you are not familiar with Al Koran you have a great journey ahead of you. He was an original thinker with a great creative mind and a consummate performer.
Pages : 230 – Hardbound w/ Dustjacket, Photo-Illustrated