Par Eric Mead
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In this first major book by one of the United States’ most respected professionals, Eric Mead covers a wide range of magic and mentalism, drawn completely from his professional repertoire and fine-tuned by performance after performance to its present form.
Bar Magic, Close-up Magic, Strolling Magic, Mentalism, Stage… even two pieces for kids (we’re serious !)
In addition, there are seven instructive and challenging essays, and two chapters devoted to work with a memorized deck and a systematic approach to Vernon’s “Trick That Cannot Be Explained”, a professional approach to these topics that is stunning in its depth, intelligence and originality.
This collection of magic is the real deal or, as Teller describes it in his introduction to Tangled Web : “There is no bull***t, not a nugget, between these covers. If you’re like me, you’ll emerge changed, inspired, tingling.”
In the belief that exquisite magic deserves an exquisite form, Tangled Web has been produced with bibliophilic sensibilities inside and out. A book that is pleasing to hold and to read. Magic and mentalism that stands with the finest. Yet, at an affordable price.
Pages 260 – Hardcover.
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