Par Jeff McBride
Set de trois DVD en anglais, consacrés à la magie de Jeff McBride. DVD filmés en conditions réelles, d’une durée totale de près de 6h00 !
- TRIBAL PIERCING – An impromptu shocker! Push your thumb through your ear-listen to the screams!
- MAGIC WISHING RAINBOW – Your participant’s wish comes true with a surprise gift! A lesson in eye contact and engagement.
- RAINBOW TO DOLLAR – You will conjure a rainbow from the air and transform it into real money your participant can keep!
- WISHING RAINBOW/RAINBOW TO ROSE – The magic rainbow is back and transforms into the gift of a rose. An effect sure to melt the heart and make a lasting memory.
- MAGIC BUBBLES – Enchanted bubbles become real in your participant’s hand! This effect can silence crying children and might even get you a first-class airline upgrade!
- HINDU ROPE / RISING CARD – An immaculate rising card, totally impromptu, with a mythic presentation. Better than nearly any gaffed deck version.
- THE BEAD & STRING MYSTERY – Break free from bondage! A ritual of liberation that enpowers your participants to set their minds free.
- WORLD’S FASTEST HANDS – Jeff’s super fast card opener: two participants’ cards revealed-really really fast. A close-up illusion that defies explanation.
- NO SMOKING – A magical performance with the intention of healing and perhaps empowering your friends to quit smoking.
- THE POD BELT – Jeff shows you his survival accessory belt that has more toys and attachments than Batman!
- McWALLET – The signed card appears inside the wallet that is also inside a zippered pouch! A real world Card in Wallet that can be repeated multiple times. This has fooled the best!
Magician 24/7
Audience Participation
Flight Time
21st Century Street Magic with Eugene Burger
Definition of Magician
Meet Jeff McBride
The Shaman’s Drum
McTip #1
- HOUDINI STRAIGHTJACKET – Abbi Spinner McBride’s performance and explanation of the Houdini Straightjacket Challenge, with Eugene Burger giving historical background on this pack-small, play-big illusion.
- THE MAGNETIC CARDS – A modern version of Nate Leipzig’s astonishing card levitation. A trance-inducing wonder!
- HEART CONNECTION – Make deep personal connections with two signed playing cards. More than a mere trick-it is real magic from the heart.
- PRISNA’S DANCING CANE – The evolution and revolution of the dancing cane in pop culture (performance only).
- THE SHARK FIN PIN – This little known close-up illusion even fools experienced magicians! A saftey pin rips through your jacket and leaves no trace!
- SAMINA’S “INTO GOLD” – A lesson in alchemy-from the scintillating sorceress-will teach you to change real lead into gold in the participant’s hand.
- TRASH TO TREASURE – An enviro-magic experience that transforms garbage into glitter. Ecologically inspired conjuring.
- BUSINESS CARD CONNECTION – Jeff shares a few of his impromptu business card effects that ensure your business card gets kept and remembered. A networking solution to a modern problem.
- MCQUICK TIP TRICK – A super fast impromptu production and transformation of cards and money. Your participant keeps the money and your reputation builds as a real world wonderworker.
- McMINT – An ultra-modern version of Signed Card to Impossible Location using a breath mint case. This is a mini-illusion and Jeff’s closer in his close-up show.
Traveling with Props
Interview with Sensei Strange
Mystery School
Assistant’s Revenge
McTip #2
- THE CHEN LEE MCBURGER WATER SUSPENSION – Water magic that mystifies close up, parlor or stage. This combinatin of classic method and modern application creates a powerful impromptu effect with props you already own.
- WATER IN THE NEWSPAPER – Abbi McBride performs her commando-style routine in the round, under the Big Top at Burning Man center camp (performance only).
- JINKS – Performing in tandem, Abbi and Jeff present an in-the-hands Wild Card invented by the brilliant Gordon Bean. Introducing the Spinner Count.
- LISTEN TO THE MUSTN’TS – Inspired by Tracey Atterberry and Shel Silverstein, a tale of hope and courage. Blank canvases mysteriously paint themselves with images of your magical potential.
- HERMETIC STAR GAZER – Alan Wong created one of the great rubber band effects of our time. This is Jeff’s lesson in alchemical geometry with guest participant Stephen Larsen. As above . . . so below!
- SPELLBOUND – Jeff’s tips and subtleties on this classic coin routine.
- BURNING MAN IN THE HAND – A cutting edge presentation for the classic Okito Wicker Rising Doll. Burn baby burn!
- FIRE RITUAL– A ceremony of enchantment where burning intentions manifest into reality with a flash of fire.
About Burning Man
Kabuki Magic
McTip #3
TV Commercial
Fire Circle
Disc One Running Time Approximately 2hr 11min
Disc Two Running Time Approximately 1hr 57min
Disc Three Running Time Approximately 1hr 33min
Il n’y a pas encore d’avis.