Par Carl Cloutier
Lot de trois DVD consacrés à ce merveilleux magicien.
DVD en anglais.
Descriptif original anglais :
Carl Cloutier is a F.I.S.M. World Champion. Not only that, but he has won just about every major magic competition in the world! His trademark is visual, hit’em between the eyes, knock’em out magic, making tricks look like magic. He has achieved a new level of excellence in magic. Incredible, commercial routines that leave audiences astounded, laughing and entertained. Carl’s routines are highly visual and are suitable for both close-up and stand- up performance.
In THE 3RD WAVE, Carl will astonish you with several signature effects from his World Championship F.I.S.M. Act. You won’t believe the award-winning magic of Carl Cloutier. It looks like the real thing.
Oviparian Punch – Carl’s incredible Signed Bill to Egg. A borrowed, signed bill magically travels inside an egg randomly selected by a spectator. It looks like real magic!
Pearl Necklace – A magical routine with a borrowed pearl necklace, climaxing with a section of the necklace being removed!
Slim-Fast – Carl’s crown achievement! Four signed cards travel inside a sealed Slim-Fast can!
Card in Sock – Another award- winning stunner! Four signed cards magically travel, 3 to different pockets, and the last inside your sock!
Elec-Trick – Carl’s creative routine for the Electric Deck!
Card to Glass – A signed card travels inside a glass!
Here’s your chance to learn in exacting detail the act that catapulted him onto the world stage. Balls appear and vanish in the blink of an eye, he pulls signed, chosen cards from his pockets and inside his sock and more! Learn the close-up act of the decade from this highly acclaimed and respected artist. Contains performances and explanations:
-Liquid Asset
-Traveller’s Advisory*
-Carl’s Coin Production*
-Sleeving the Matrix
-Tete a Tete
* (from Carl’s FISM Award Winning Act)
In the last few years, Carl Cloutier has taken the world of close-up magic by storm – winning the IBM top close-up prize, London’s Ninth International Close-up Competition and the Desert Magic Seminar Impromptu Challenge.
Now, you’ve got the chance to learn Carl’s award-winning secrets! Live From London contains magic with spectacles, salt shakers, pens, coins, balls, a lighter, a signed note in fruit and cards. His vanishes and productions will amaze you.