par Wayne Dobson
Voici une nouvelle version de l’effet de “la carte à la boîte”, cette fois dans une boîte entièrement transparente !
Rappelons l’effet : une petite boîte transparente contenant une carte pliée est posée sur la table. Un spectateur choisie une carte dans un jeu et en signe la face. Puis la carte disparaît du jeu. En ouvrant la boîte et on sortant la carte pliée qu’elle contient, on constate qu’il s’agit de la carte librement choisie et signée ! Alors qu’elle était bien en vue avant d’être choisie et, a fortiori, signée !
Livré complet, avec la boîte et un lien internet pour les explications (en anglais).
Descriptif original anglais
3Sixty by Wayne Dobson is a revolutionary card to box effect. A perfect ending to your ambitious card routine. A small clear Perspex box with a folded card inside has been on display either on the table or in the spectators hand throughout your favourite card routine. A freely chosen signed card has disappeared from the deck. Nowhere to be found, there is only one place it can be! You offer the spectator to remove the lid from the box. The folded card is removed and found to be the spectators signed card.
Everything can now be fully examined!
- Instant Reset
- Made from high quality Perspex
- Perfect for Strolling/Close Up, however it is just as powerful on stage too!
- If you can do a Mercury Card Fold, you can do this trick. If you can’t we will show you a invaluable tip given to me by the master Tommy Wonder that makes the Mercury Card Fold so easy, it’s criminal.
“Wayne Dobson showed me this idea many years ago…it is brilliant! Wayne’s creation is superior in many ways to other versions. 3Sixty is elegant, examinable, compact and easy to carry! In Short the ultimate solution to this staggering magic effect. A sure fire closing effect for your show!”
– Jeff McBride, Las Vegas Headliner
“3Sixty is a totally new and original method for Bruno Henning’s classic Card to Box effect and what a classy, clever, satisfying and thoroughly deceptive method it is. This is perfect for a formal close-up show but also versatile enough to use for table hopping gigs. The best thing is that the box is undeniably empty at the end and can be handed out for examination. There is nothing for them to see and nothing for them to find. I cant wait to add this to my set……another winner from the genius that is Wayne Dobson.”
– Nick Einhorn
“3Sixty is another brilliant idea from the creative mind of Wayne Dobson. It’s a clever approach to the card in box theme using a transparent box that ends clean and is certain to be one of the most talked about effects of the year. I love that the box is small enough to use in a walk around situation and yet the effect is big enough to present in a small stage setting.”
– Shawn Farquhar
“The best card in box ever, FULL STOP!”
– Chris Dugdale
“…this will quickly become the standard that a card to impossibly location will be measured too!”
– Alan Rorrison
Comes complete with everything you need to perform this miracle.
Il n’y a pas encore d’avis.