Par Chris Woodmark & Richard Mark
Livre en anglais
Format : format 18 cm × 26 cm, 440 pages, couverture rigide.
When magicians caught a bullet in their teeth…
He caught six !
When magicians did spook shows…
His ghosts were nude !
When magicians did rope tricks…
He put a noose around his neck and jumped !
When magicians predicted a chosen number…
He predicted which of six rifles should be aimed at his forehead !
He was Maurice Fogel, the twentieth century’s most audacious mentalist and one of its greatest showmen. His feats of mind reading captured headlines around the world—when he wasn’t predicting them. He dared death, he read minds and he became a legend in his own time.
Here is a taste of a typical Fogel performance :
Six volunteer marksmen were invited on stage to operate six legitimate, loaded and fully functioning rifles. One man chose a rifle at random and fired at a saucer, shattering it to smithereens. The discharged rifle was set with the five still-loaded ones in a rotating rack and the rack spun until no one could know which was the empty weapon. Each marksman was assigned a random number and took a random rifle from the rack. Fogel next revealed a predicted number that had been in full view and isolated from the start. The marksmen were all told to aim at saucers over Fogel’s head—but the man assigned the predicted number was to aim directly at Fogel’s forehead. Then, on his command they all fired !
To some he was a mental wonder ; to others, an enigma. For years he strode the stages of the world, reading minds and using his strange powers to defy death. Maurice Fogel: In Search of the Sensational is the chronicle of the life of a master mentalist whose like has never been seen. He baffled the world and his peers. He defied death for years on a near nightly basis. He created an extraordinary body of professional mentalism that has remained among the most coveted material in the field. This book contains that material, along with the advice, experience and stories of a lifetime of professional performance by one of the world’s most acclaimed mentalists.
Maurice Fogel : In Search of the Sensational is the story of an amazing life and the mental secrets of an amazing man : The Amazing Fogel.
Written and collected by Chris Woodward, an award-winning magician and Fogel’s son-in-law, in collaboration with mentalist and Fogel confidant Richard Mark, here at last is the definitive work on Maurice Fogel, the man and his secrets.
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