Par Nick Trost
Troisième volume (en anglais) de ce travail majeur de la cartomagie.
Descriptif original anglais :
The third volume of Subtle Card Creations offers another collection of brilliant card magic. The intent here is the earlier volumes – to present some of the most effective, yet easy-to-do card magic, avoiding all difficult sleights.
Over 100 tricks are carefully explained in 12 chapters. The chapters that are unique include :
- You Do As I Do
- Royal Marriages
- Revealments
- Reversed Card Effects
- Special Decks
- Computer Cards
Nick Trost’s Subtle Card Creations is a multi-volume compendium of card magic based on subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand, the majority of the material has not been published previously.
Hardbound with Dust Jacket.
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