Par Diamond Jim Tyler
Richement illustré par plus de 300 photos, ce livre est destiné aux débutants… Mais ne vous méprenez pas : les effets qu’il décrit sont utilisés par les pros ! 29 routines de close-up, dont plusieurs créations de l’auteur, vous sont proposées. Adaptés aux conditions intimistes (bars, restaurants, etc.), il s’agit d’effets variés (cartes, pièces, feu, lecture de pensée, etc.) dont l’impact auprès du public a bel et bien fait ses preuves.
Livre en anglais, 176 pages.
Descriptif original anglais :
Move objects with your mind, pass coins through tables, escape police restraints, and reveal other people’s thoughts ! Diamond Jim Tyler shows how to transform an ordinary act into a truly entertaining show. Learn 29 routines that include several original tricks as well as many tried-and-true crowd pleasers.
Written for beginners and used by pros, this guide is designed for illusionists performing in small venues – bars, restaurants, and other places where audiences will be watching from close range. Its tricks for every type of magician include a variety of routines involving cards, money, fire, mind-reading, and comedy. Diamond Jim offers tips on patter and a helpful glossary of magic jargon. More than 300 photographs illustrate his easy-to-follow instructions.
Pages: 176 – 8″ × 11″ – Softcover – Black and white pictures