par Hector Mancha
Hector Mancha a créé la sensation en remportant le Grand Prix à la Fism. Voici son premier DVD, présentant quelques-unes de ses meileures créations.
DVD en anglais/espagnol, environ 1h30.
Descriptif original :
Hector Mancha caused a sensation when he won the FISM Grand Prix, magic’s highest honor. My Silly Tricks is his first and only commercial release. This wacky DVD teaches ten hilarious and eccentric effects from the personal repertoire. Each of the effects is visual in nature, and most of them are within the range of the beginner.
You will learn:
- My Magic Ukulele
- Break the Ice
- Rubber Guillotine
- Small Water Torture Cell
- Daisy Ending
- My Magic Nipple
- My Card Under Watch
- Earthquake Rising Card
- My Personal Triumph
- How you can Bend a Deck
Running Time: 1 hr 34 mins approx. Includes English and Spanish teaching (separately recorded in each language).